UMU プライバシーポリシー(個人情報保護方針)



UMUの製品およびサービス(以下、総称して「本サービス」)をご利用いただき、ありがとうございます。本サービスは、〒160-0022 東京都新宿区新宿4丁目1番6号 JR新宿ミライナタワー18階に所在するUMUテクノロジージャパン株式会社(以下、「当社」)により提供されます。











当社は、UMU個人ユーザーとしてサービスを利用する際に、お客様が提供する以下の情報を収集します。 「プロフィール」-「設定」をクリックすると、以下の情報の具体的な内容を照会・管理することができます。関連するコンテンツについてご質問がある場合、または関連する個人情報の権利を主張する場合は、当社までご連絡ください。






アカウントの作成時に、当社はお客様の名前と、電子メール アドレスや電話番号を含む連絡先情報を収集します。プロフィール写真や経歴情報を提供することもできます。




当社は、サービスを提供するための契約を履行するためにこの情報を使用します。また、当社は、好みの言語やコースの進行状況を保存したり、好みのコースを提案したりするなど、アカウント関連の機能をユーザーに提供することに正当な関心を持っています (UMU 顧客のみ)。


アカウントを回復する場合、またはアカウントのパスワードをリセットする場合、当社はお客様の実名、ID カード番号、電話番号を収集します。


Cookie とファーストパーティの追跡

Cookie とクリア GIF を使用します。 「Cookie」は、Web サイトの閲覧中に Web サイトがコンピュータのハードドライブに送信する小さな情報です。



当社は、お客様がサービスへのアクセスに使用するデバイスから情報を収集します。これには、当社の Web サイトにアクセスしたり、当社のサービスを利用したりする際に、お客様のデバイスからブロードキャストされる固有の識別情報などが含まれます。



あなたが求人情報に応募するか、従業員になる場合、当社はあなたの応募を処理するため、またはあなたを従業員として維持するために必要な情報を収集します。  これには、政府の識別子などが含まれる場合があります。  この情報の提供は雇用のために必要です。

当社は、雇用契約を履行するため、またはお客様との雇用契約の締結に向けて、現在の従業員に関する情報を使用します。  場合によっては、従業員に関する情報を収集することが法律で義務付けられている場合もあります。  また、当社はお客様の情報を使用して以下の目的を達成することに正当な利益を持っています。 効果的な人材配置と労働力の運用。





あなたがアンケートに参加すると、私たちはアンケートを通じてあなたが提供した情報を収集します。  アンケートがサードパーティのサービスプロバイダーによって提供される場合、お客様の情報の収集、使用、開示にはサードパーティのプライバシーポリシーが適用されます。



ユーザーフォーラム、ディスカッション、Q&A フォーラムへの参加などにより、お客様が当社のサービスに情報 (オーディオおよびビデオ ファイル、ドキュメント、コメント、および本サービスの使用に基づくその他のコンテンツ情報を含む) をアップロードする場合、当社はあらゆる個人情報を収集します。あなたが提供することを選択します。

当社は、そのような収集に同意した個人からユーザー コンテンツを収集します。 ※UMU個人ユーザーの場合は、サービスの利用により生成されたコンテンツはご自身で管理・制御され、UMUエンタープライズユーザーの場合は、サービスの利用により生成されたコンテンツはご自身で管理・制御されますのでご了承ください。そして企業によって管理されています。


当社はテクノロジーを使用して、お客様が当社のウェブサイトや当社のサービス(コースなど)とどのようにやり取りするかを監視します。これには、クリックしたリンク、視聴したビデオ、オンライン フォームに入力した情報が含まれる場合があります。  これには、デバイスやブラウザに関する情報も含まれる場合があります。

私たちは正当な利益を持っています 知っている 当社の Web サイトをより良く改善するためにお客様が当社の Web サイトをどのように操作するか、お客様の好みや興味を理解して最も役立つと思われるサービスを選択するために使用します。  また、当社は不正行為の検出と防止にも正当な利益を持っています。


当社は、ブラウザの種類、オペレーティング システム、インターネット プロトコル (IP) アドレス (インターネットの使用時にコンピュータに自動的に割り当てられる番号)、ドメイン名、クリック アクティビティ、参照元 Web サイト、日付などの情報を収集します。 /訪問者のタイムスタンプ。

当社は、当社のネットワークと当社の Web サイトへの訪問者を監視することに正当な利益を持っています。  とりわけ、どのサービスが最も人気があるかを理解するのに役立ちます。

当社は、UMU 顧客としてサービスを使用する際に提供する以下の情報を収集します。当社は、企業の指示および当社間の合意の範囲内で、関連するサービスおよび機能のみをお客様に提供します。あなたの企業は、これらのデータの収集と使用の目的をあなたに通知し、あなたの許可を得る必要があります。「プロフィール」-「設定」をクリックすると、以下の情報の具体的な内容を照会・管理することができます。関連するコンテンツについて質問がある場合、または関連する個人情報の権利を主張する場合は、企業の管理者にお問い合わせください。







カメラ (カメラ)、マイク、フォト アルバム (ストレージ)、およびアクティビティ記録のアクセス許可はデフォルトでは有効化されず、明示的な承認がある場合にのみ特定の機能またはサービスに使用されます。承認を取り消すこともできます。当社がお客様の許可を得てこれらの機密性の高い許可を取得したとしても、関連する機能やサービスが必要でない場合にはお客様の情報は収集されないことに注意してください。






















お客様が当サービス(UMU エンタープライズ版など)を利用している組織に従事している場合、お客様のドメイン管理者やお客様のアカウントを管理する業者や組織はお客様の当サービスアカウントにアクセスする権利を保有しています。彼らは以下を行うことが可能です:





当社は、個人を特定できない情報について、公表したり、トレーナー、トレーニングマネージャー、教師、講演者または権利者といった当社のパートナーと共有したりすることができます。例えば、当サービスの一般的な使用に関する傾向を示すために、情報を公開します。また、当社は、一定のパートナーに対して、独自の Cookie や類似のテクノロジーを活用して、測定の目的でお客様のブラウザやデバイスから情報を収集することを許可しています。

もし UMU が合併、買収、資産の売却などを行った場合、当社は引き続きお客様の個人情報の機密性を維持します。個人情報を移管し、又は個人情報が別のプライバシーポリシーの適用対象となる前に、影響を受けるユーザーに事前に通知します。























UMU Privacy Policy (Personal Information Protection Policy)

Revisions to this Privacy Policy are effective as of March 1, 2025.

Welcome to UMU

Thank you for choosing UMU's products and services (collectively, "Services"). These Services are provided by UMU Technology Japan Co. ("Company")、 located at 18F JR SHINJUKU MIRAINA TOWER、 4-1-6、 Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan.

By using our Services, you agree to the terms outlined in this Privacy Policy. Please read them carefully.

Our Commitment

We recognize our significant responsibility in handling your information and are committed to protecting it. This Privacy Policy explains what information we collect, why we collect it, and how you can manage, access, or delete your information.

Our Services

We offer various services to help millions of users teach, train, and learn, including:

Contact Us

For questions about this Privacy Policy or to exercise your rights (including disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, cessation of use, erasure, or third-party transfer of your information), please contact us at

Information Collected by the Service

We will collect the following information that you provide when you use the service as an UMU Individual User. You can inquire and manage the specific content of the following part of the information by clicking "Profile" - "Settings".


Types of Data

Primary Purpose for Collection

and Use of Data

Account Information

We collect your name and contact information, including email address and/or phone number, when you create an account. You may also choose to provide us with a profile photo, biographical information.

We collect account information from users who consent to such collections. We also collect account information to perform our contract to provide you with services.

Account Activity Information

When you are logged into an account, we collect information relating to the actions that you perform while logged into your account.

We use this information to perform our contract to provide you with services. We also have a legitimate interest in providing account-related functionalities to our users, such as saving your preferred language and your course progress, and suggesting courses that you might like (only for UMU Customers).

Account Recovery, Password Reset

When you want to recover your account or reset your account password, we collect your real name, ID card number and phone number.

We collect information from users who consent to such collections,  to deal with authentication.

Cookies and first party tracking

We use cookies and clear GIFs. “Cookies'' are small pieces of information that a website sends to a computer's hard drive while a website is viewed.

We have a legitimate interest in making our website and services operate efficiently and securely.

Device Information

We collect information from the devices you use to access the services, such as unique identifying information broadcast from your device when visiting our website or using our services.

We have a legitimate interest in identifying unique visitors, understanding how users interact with us on their mobile devices, and providing features like automatic product updates.


If you apply for a job posting, or become an employee, we collect information necessary to process your application or to retain you as an employee.  This may include, among other things, your government identifier.  Providing this information is required for employment.

We use information about current employees to perform our contract of employment, or the anticipation of a contract of employment with you.  In some contexts, we are also required by law to collect information about our employees.  We also have a legitimate interest in using your information to have effective staffing and workforce operations.


If you provide us feedback or contact us for support we will collect your name and email address, as well as any other content that you send to us, in order to reply.

We base our processing of your feedback or support communications on your consent.


When you participate in a survey we collect information that you provide through the survey.  If the survey is provided by a third party service provider, the third party's privacy policy applies to the collection, use, and disclosure of your information.

We collect survey information from individuals who consent to such collections. We also have a legitimate interest in understanding your opinions, and collecting information relevant to our organization.

User Content

When you upload information(including audio and video files, documents, comments and other content information based on the use of this service) to our services, such as by participating in user forums, discussions, or Q&A forums, we will collect any personal information you choose to provide.

We collect user content from individuals who consent to such collections. *Please note that if you are an UMU individual user, the content generated by your use of the service will be managed and controlled by yourself, and if you are an UMU Enterprise User, the content generated by your use of the service will be managed and controlled by the enterprise.

Website and service interactions

We use technology to monitor how you interact with our website and our services (e.g., our courses). This may include which links you click on, videos you watch, or information that you type into our online forms.  This may also include information about your device or browser.

We have a legitimate interest in knowing how you interact with our website to better improve it, and to understand your preferences and interests to select offerings that you might find most useful.  We also have a legitimate interest in detecting and preventing fraud.

Web logs

We collect information, including your browser type, operating system, Internet Protocol (IP) address (a number that is automatically assigned to a computer when the Internet is used), domain name, click-activity, referring website, and/or a date/time stamp for visitors.

We have a legitimate interest in monitoring our networks and the visitors to our websites.  Among other things, it helps us understand which of our services is the most popular.

We will collect the following information that you provide when you use the service as a UMU Customer. We will only provide you with relevant services and features within the scope of the enterprise' instructions and the agreement between us. Your enterprise shall inform you of the purpose of collection and usage of these data and get your authorization. You can inquire and manage the specific content of the following part of the information by clicking "Profile" - "Settings". If you have any questions about the relevant content or claim related personal information rights, you can contact your enterprise administrator.

Information field

Enterprise employment management information

Basic personal information (such as real name, contact information)

Employment information (department, position, rank, work area, organizational structure, etc.)

Other enterprise human resources manage related information

When we collect your information for other specific purposes not specified in this Policy, we will inform you in advance and ask for your consent.

The camera (camera), microphone, photo album (storage), and activity recording permissions will not be enabled by default, and will only be used for specific features or services with your express authorization. You can also withdraw the authorization. It should be noted that even if we have obtained these sensitive permissions with your authorization, we will not collect your information when the relevant features or services are not required.

Privacy Management Overview

You have several choices about how we use the information we collect.

This section describes the primary controls we have in place to manage your privacy across our services.

Information Access and Control

You can review and update your information at any time while you are signed in and accessing the Services you are using. For example, both "My Videos" and "My Documents" are designed to help you manage certain types of content stored on the Service.

Your contact information, such as name, email address, and phone number, can be managed through the "Personal Information" section.

You can control how information is collected by the Service through other methods, regardless of whether you're logged into your account:

Information Export and Removal

You can back them up or use them for other services by exporting copies of the audio slides, videos, and live streaming sessions in your account with the Service.

You may also request that we delete your content from the Service or suspend use of your content if your personal information is used for purposes other than those required for use without your consent, or if your personal information was obtained in an illegal manner.

In order to delete or suspend the use of your information, you may:

Information Sharing Practices

User-Initiated Sharing

The Service allows you to share information with others, and you control how it is shared. For example, you may choose to publish a video course or keep your videos private.

It is important to note that once you make your information public, your content may be accessible through Google search, Yahoo search, and other search engines.

When you sign in to the service, leave a comment on a video session, participate in a discussion, or otherwise use the service, your account name and photo will appear next to your activity.

Company-Initiated Sharing

We do not share your personal information with companies, organizations or individuals outside of our service, except in the following circumstances.

With Your Consent

We will not share your personal information with companies, organizations, or individuals outside of the Service beyond the scope described in this Privacy Policy, except when we have your consent to do so.

Administrative Access

If you work for an organization that uses the Service (such as UMU Enterprise Edition), your domain administrator or the vendor or organization that manages your account has the right to access your account with the Service. They may do the following:

Third-Party Processing

We provide personal information to our affiliates and other trusted companies or individuals to process information for us, based on our instructions and in accordance with our Privacy Policy and other appropriate confidentiality and security standards. For example, we use service providers to assist us with customer support. We will provide necessary and appropriate supervision of these parties.

Legal Requirements

We will share personal information outside of our service when we believe that access, use, preservation or disclosure of the information is necessary to:

We may disclose and share non-personally identifiable information with our partners, such as trainers, training managers, teachers, speakers, or rights holders. For example, we will release information to show trends regarding the general use of our services. We also allow certain partners to utilize their own cookies and similar technologies to collect information from your browser or device for measurement purposes.

If UMU were to merge, acquire, or sell assets, we would continue to maintain the confidentiality of your personal information. Before transferring personal information, or before personal information becomes subject to a different privacy policy, we will notify you of the impact.

Data Security and Protection

We have built security into the Service to protect your information.

All of our products have strong security features to protect your information on an ongoing basis. The perspective we gain by maintaining this service helps us detect and automatically block security threats from reaching you. If we detect a risk that we believe you need to be aware of, we will promptly notify you and assist you by informing you of the steps you can take to protect yourself.

We are committed to protecting you and our service from unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction of information in our possession as follows. We protect your personal information in the following ways:

Data Retention and Storage

Retention Period and Policies

The data collected will be retained for different periods of time depending on its content, usage, and your preferences.

When we delete data, we follow a deletion process to ensure that your data is securely and completely erased from our servers or stored only in anonymized form. We strive to ensure that our service protects information from accidental or malicious deletion. This may cause some delay between your deletion and the deletion of copies on active and backup systems.

Storage Location and Methods

Your personal information is stored on AWS servers in Tokyo. Wherever the information is accessed and processed, we apply the protections as described in this policy.

Artificial Intelligence Implementation

When providing AI features, we only utilize trusted LLMs that have obtained security and compliance certifications. During usage, we strictly adhere to the following principles:

We protect your privacy in AI features through the following measures:

Regulatory Compliance

We regularly review this Privacy Policy to ensure that your information is being processed in a manner that complies with it.

Upon receipt of a formal written complaint, we will immediately contact the complainant. We will work with the appropriate regulatory authorities, including local data protection authorities, to address any claims regarding the transfer of your data that cannot be resolved directly between us and you.

Policy Information

Scope of Application

This Privacy Policy applies only to products offered by us and our affiliates. This Privacy Policy does not apply to services that have separate privacy policies that do not incorporate this Privacy Policy.

This Privacy Policy does not apply to:

Policy Updates

This Privacy Policy may change from time to time. Changes to this Privacy Policy may be made from time to time, and your rights under this Privacy Policy will not be reduced without your explicit consent. If material changes occur, we will provide you with more explicit notice (including, for certain services, email notification of privacy policy changes).