UMU’s interactive platform allows you to engage and interact with participants via their mobile devices and project the responses in real time. In most training environments, there are usually too many participants to give everyone the chance to share their views with the whole group, and the people brave enough to speak up don’t necessarily add the most to the conversation. With UMU, everyone participates, so you can accurately gauge your audience and identify common interest topics.
The idea for UMU came to our founder, Dongshuo Li, while he was still working at Google and attended the 2013 ATD Conference and Google I/O back to back, two international events with famous speakers and audiences of over 10,000 industry experts. Instead of feeling fulfilled and inspired, he felt disconnected from the speakers and other participants. He wished the speakers could better leverage the expertise of their audience and that he and others could participate more effectively. He realized the key to improving communication was already in his hand, mobile phones! By creating a website for everyone to interact, without blocking their path with bulky downloads or installations, he could use the power of the internet to give everyone the opportunity to share their point of view and visualizing the results in real time gets participants invested and involved. Inspired by his realization, Dongshuo used his 11 years of training experience and computer science background to make a prototype and gave a few accounts to close friends. They loved how much more engaged their participants became and the stimulating atmosphere from real time visuals. Soon, Dongshuo was receiving emails and phone calls from other professional who wanted a better way to interact with their participants. Encouraged by their support, he left Google to devote himself to UMU.
Now, after 6 quarters of intense development and internal testing, we are happy to present UMU - the interactive learning platform that provides an innovative solution to your business training and educational needs. We hope it allows you to engage every participant and become more effective at the same time. Try it for yourself, and remember, when someone asks about your cool new tech, send them our way and reap the benefits of your referral.
UMU is a global platform with collaborators from all over the world! Our goal is to bring our improved interacting experience to everyone. We currently have staff and partners in the US, Japan, China and Taiwan. Reach out if you are interested in bringing the benefits of real time visuals and participant engagement to your area!